Следует нанести немного припоя на пины детали, которую нужно удалить, затем паяльником подогреть пины. Припой будет оставаться жидким достаточно времени для удаления детали. Осторожно очистите ножки и примените свежий припой.
Примечание: Припой идет в наборе. .
В комплекте:
1 туба CHIP QUIKr Rework Paste Flux
CHIP QUIKr Low Temperature Alloy (на 8-10 чипов)
Спиртовые вспомогательные промокашки
- Breakthrough in Surface Mounted Technology! - Finally a breakthrough in removing Surface Mounted Devices (SMD"s) from printed circuit boards
- Low Temperature Rework - Removes QFP"s, PLCC"s, SOIC"s, and chip components under 300 degrees Fahrenheit... 150C
- Fast, Safe, Easy to Use - Eliminates the need for complex expensive equipment. Learn how to desolder SMD"s in minutes
- No Expensive Tips or Nozzles - No need to stock a large inventory of tips and nozzles
- No Damage to PC Board or Adjacent Components - No more--burning of board and chips, lifting pads or lands, reflowing adjacent components, damage to double sided boards, throwing pc boards away because of no reliable removal methods
- CHIP QUIK is now used extensively in all sections of the Electronic Industry - Consumer, Industrial, Manufacturing, Automotive, Telecommunications, Medical, Avionics, Engineering, Robotics, Prototype, R&D, Aerospace, Communications, Education, Research, Gaming, Government, Hobbyist and more.
SMD-1 Kit Content:
- 2.5 ft. (72 см) CHIP QUIK Material - Removes 8-10 SMD"S
- 1 cc Syringe of CHIP QUIK No Clean Rework Paste Flux
- Alcohol Pads for Cleanup
- Complete Instructions for SMD Removal and Cleanup